I am sharing a Deaf person's way of how one should pray. Again, this is my opinion and experience. Each person has their own experience and I am looking forward to hear your experience.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Peace and Blessings,
Stephen Hardy
OIC about prayers for "need" but "not want". Very interesting points but uhmmm what about Christmas??? There's a Santa Claus did asked me and my family "What I want for Christmas?"
Should I tell the Santa to change "NEED" but "not want"???
Santa Claus is not real. This question you asked is not what I mean by asking God your needs. Needs are a priority to God (In my opinion) and want is more of a greed/selfish like request.
Your need - God controls
Your wants - Mind controls
Makes sense?
Interesting perspectives between "need" and "want". I recalled this issue to discuss from my friend in about 10 years ago. For several years, I forgot what the difference between "need" and "want" until you brought it up. I am very pleased to hear from you. Now, I will remember. Not too perfect for everyone to remember this approach, we always learn everyday to remember and use the repeat topic discusssion.
Thank you for your wonderful debate.
Nick Vera
Just wondering if the Christians do celebrate "Christmas" along with Santa???
I am so SORRY that I grew up poor education life for so many years!
Never be sorry. You always learn and never stop learning.
Santa Claus is a myth and he does not come in chimmeys. It is justa story to make children excitied for Christmas and hopefully make them behave. *grins*
Christmas is about Jesus Christ's birth and helps us remember who he is and it lead to SALES in stores and people forget about Jesus.
Santa Claus is a story that inspires children and I used to believe in Santa Claus when I was a young boy. That is how native I was when I was a little boy. LOL
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